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What is HaNDLE-on-QoL?

HaNDLE-on-QoL is a unique online searchable database of all papers published from 1982 to present on quality of life in head and neck cancer that have used questionnaires.

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Questionnaires are the main source of health relqared quality of life data. Currently HaNDLE-on-QoL has over 3,500 papers and a list of 250 different questionnaires. For recent years for 234 papers were added for 2021, for year 2022 220 were added, for year 2023, 234 were added.

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Why HaNDLE-on-QoL?

It is hard to identify relevant papers published on the different facets of QoL in H&N Cancer. A Pubmed search of head and neck cancer and quality of life currently gives over 11,500 hits. It is difficult and time consuming to search the web for specific issues such as pain, nausea and speech without the risk of missing key articles.

QoL in H&N is a growing field in terms of numbers of publications each year and it is difficult for the clinicians, nurses, and researches to keep up to date. An up to date knowledge base will help improve patient care.

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How you can help

HaNDLE-on-QoL will be regularly updated and will include new papers as they become available.

We ask you please to contact us if you are aware that any relevant papers are missing or if you experience any problems in navigating around this website in terms of its functionality. It would be helpful if authors active in this field could let us know if any of their papers are missing. This will help maintain the usefulness of this resource in the longer term.

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Many thanks...

The main person responsible for the collation of the articles used for this resource is Professor S N Rogers. From the library services at Wirral University Teaching Hospital he receives regular alerts from Ovid for the AMED, Medline and Embase databases. These are filtered for inclusion before being added to Handle-on QOL. Thanks also to Professor Anastasios Kanatas, Leeds Teaching Hospitals and University of Leeds for his expertise in this field.

Patient outcome information

For further information on patient reported outcomes in head and neck cancer, the below link may be an additional resource.