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Search the database

Once the criteria for the main search has been entered and the report generated, there is a facility to focus this further by adding additional criteria via the ‘refine search’ option.

It is possible to search for articles by keyword, year of publication, first author, and title. These can be used separately or in combination. When using the keyword functionality this is across the whole database including title, author, and abstract. To focus the search, it is recommended that you place several keywords into this field.


Search for an article

Keywords: (comma separated) 

Year of publication:  help

First author:



Errors / omissions

HaNDLE-on-QoL will be regularly updated and will include new papers as they become available.

We ask you please to contact us if you are aware that any relevant papers are missing or if you experience any problems in navigating around this website in terms of its functionality. It would be helpful if authors active in this field could let us know if any of their papers are missing. This will help maintain the usefulness of this resource in the longer term.

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